Vấn đề

Truy cập vào Tableau Service Manager (TSM) bằng lệnh "tsm login -u username" gặp phải lỗi sau:

"Authentication error. Incorrect username or password, or username not member of administrative group?"

Môi trường

Tableau Server


CentOS Linux 7

Hướng giải quyết

Step 1 - applies only to Tableau Server 10.5

The "tableau" and "tsmagent" accounts need nopasswd login permission in /etc/sudoers. 


Step 2 - applies to all versions

The "tableau" account needs su permissions.

To ensure tableau has su permissions, verify file mode of /bin/su is -rwsr-xr-x.

For example, -rwsr-xr-x. 1 root root 30092 Jun 22 2012 /bin/su

If not, run chmod 4755 /bin/su

Step 3 - applies to all versions

Make sure you are installing as a sudo user or, if installing as the root user, TSM is initialized using the -a flag to specify a non-root TSM user. When trying to login to TSM as root user the same error may occur:

"Authentication error. Incorrect username or password, or username not member of administrative group?"

Step 4 - applies to all versions

Review your pam.d configuration with the steps below:

Important: The instructions in this section are intended for an IT professional who is comfortable editing the pam.d configuration. Please note that toubleshooting pam.d configuration edits is outside the scope of Tableau Technical Support.

Look at your pam.d file with the below command: 

 sudo cat /etc/pam.d/su

 If the file contains the below line, comment it out with a #, and save it.

 auth       required     pam_wheel.so use_uid

 Alternatively, add the tableau user to the wheel group:

sudo usermod -a -G wheel <user>


Try to log in again with your tsm user:

 tsm login -u <user>

Nguyên nhân

Tài khoản "tableau" không được cấp quyền cần thiết trên Linux.

Tham chiếu
