Power BI users are categorized into four sections according to the purpose of the usage of Power BI. These four types of users are Analysts, Business users, IT professionals and Developers. Let’s learn some more about them.

1. Analysts

Analysts use Power BI to develop reports, dashboards, data models and study them to discover valuable insights in the data. Power BI offers a wide range of data sources from which an analyst can extract data, make a common dataset, cleanse and prepare that data to make reports and conduct analysis.

2. Business Users

The business users are the common users who study the reports and dashboards available to share with them on the Power BI website or mobile app. Business users remain updated with the latest information which helps in taking important decisions in time. They can also set an alert notification for any change or abnormality in data (if occurs).

3. IT professionals

The IT professionals are mainly concerned with the scalability, availability, and security of data. They also centrally manage all the Power BI services and users.

4. Developers

Developers are responsible for all the technical work. Their key roles are to create custom visuals to be used in Power BI, embedding Power BI into other applications, creating reports, etc.